Mission Statement:

Constellation (CLM) exists because it reconnects humanity to nature through historic cemeteries, fostering a sense of renewal and rediscovery and nurturing the soul by reconnecting with an authentic sense of place.

CLM addresses climate adaptation, environmental justice, human health, biodiversity conservation, and equity.

CLM is a tapestry that bridges the gap between humanity and nature. It is a constellation of interwoven landscapes, connecting the heart of cities to their rural environs and even to oceans. In a country where more than 85% of Americans are urbanites, CLM creates an opportunity to partner with spirit, reverse nature deficit disorder, and drive unity.

A two-year pilot was launched in November 2023, and a number of historic cemeteries in underserved Dallas Communities have committed to participate in the rigorous program. As per the Dallas 2024 Health Equity Index, neighborhood health statistics surrounding each cemetery are:

W.W. Glover – 75227 Rated 4, 68.2

Santo de Cemento – 75211 rated 5, 89.3. (dropped due to accessibility issues)

Persimmon – 75241 rated 4, 78.7 (dropped due to ownership issues)

Carver – 75217 rated 5, 90.2

Oakland 75215 rated 4, 76.9

Oak Cliff 75203, rated 5, 94.0 (dropped due to transfer of ownership- on hold)

Beeman – 75223. Rated 4, 74.2

Western Heights – 75208, rate rated 4, 58.0