Our Vision
We envision an ever-expanding constellation of cemeteries that are committed to the preservation of Texas’ natural and cultural heritage.
Cemeteries can be sacred places, portals rich with renewed life. They have acres of untapped potential to offer an authentic sense of place and belonging to their local communities. By honoring the past, we believe we can create a healthier future for everyone.
Our Work
As we pass by abandoned historic cemeteries, empathy washes over us. These forgotten sites, thousands scattered across America, mirror the heartbreak we feel for our planet. We are in the midst of an unprecedented extinction of species, with over one million at risk of disappearing in the next few decades. The enormity of this loss is hard to fathom.
Envision a tapestry that intertwines cultural and natural history, bridging the gap between humanity and nature. The Constellation of Living Memorials has embarked on a transformative journey, reimagining forgotten neighborhood cemeteries as portals for vibrant reawakening through wildlife sanctuaries. This shift from despair to creating new paths for the survival of local and migratory wildlife is a beacon of hope. It offers opportunities for humanity to reconnect with nature, fostering a sense of renewal and rediscovery, and nurtures the soul to reconnect with an authentic sense of self and place.